Tools for Transformation

These are some of my favorite tools to work on my growth and transformation.

I hope they are as impactful for you as they were for me!

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My Books

How I do it

The tools I used

In 12 steps to Find-U: Where I started, I share the main tools I used to start and sustain my transformation.

This is a very practical book that provides tools to kick off yours, allowing you to challenge your comfort zone in a brave but self-caring way.

Get your copy

*available in Kindle and paperback in all Amazon markets.

Available in Latvian in Zvaigznes ABC bookstores.


What happens in a new mom's head?

In 2023, I suddenly became a mother of two. How to survive this? How do you know if adoption is your path and how to prepare for it?


In "When I Became a Planet:

How I Survived the First Six Months After  Adoption," I talk about our process and the first months.

Know when it comes out!

*soon available in Kindle and paperback in all Amazon markets

Available in Latvian in Zvaigznes ABC bookstores.!

Hear my story

Have a look at my personal diary

In my book My First Year out: an Open Diary I share literally parts of my diary from the year when I went through one of my biggest changes: when I left Opus Dei.

It is an empowering book, full of emotions, questioning, pain, self-discovery, and freedom.

Get your copy

*available in Kindle and paperback in all Amazon markets

Book Reviews

What's in it for U?

Find out from other readers!

For your path of self-discovery

12 steps to Find-U: The book is written in simple language, which makes it easy to understand. It is pleasing that the author has included many examples and situations from her own life, which help to better understand the chapter and better illustrate the idea. This book is suitable for anyone who has started on the path of self-discovery. Simple, clear points to understand and know yourself better!

Obvious - not so obvious

12 steps to Find-U: I liked that the steps, so "obvious" in theory but not obvious when it comes to practice,  were put in writing in this book. My favorite parts were about the connection between emotions and space. The most eye-opening was the simple idea (not for me, though) of showing your vulnerability when you want to get close to someone. In the environment I was raised in, showing vulnerability was often punished, but we are learning it is okay to be "weak", or "vulnerable", in other words, it is okay to feel. 

The author's self-acceptance

12 steps to Find-U: I like that the book includes practical tasks and  questions to think or dream about. Also a lot of additional sources are mentioned if one wants to dive deeper. Having met Author personally couple of times, I was sure that she feels confident in her body and is never worried about other people’s opinion. Book reviels her personal life story where self acceptance actualy took time and practical steps how to get there.

A vulnerable and affective journey

12 steps to Find-U: Laila describes her journey so vulnerably and effectively through this book, and shares great insight that I will be incorporating into my daily habits! I highly recommend reading this book and I hope you find it as useful as I did. Thank you Laila for sharing your journey and inspiring us with your insights!

A life in poetry

My First year out: I really enjoyed this book, in which the author uses poetry and images to share her inner world during a turning point in her life. I strongly recommend!

Made to integrate

12 steps to Find-U: What truly sets this book apart is its emphasis on real-world application. The exercises are not just theoretical; they are designed to be integrated into your daily life. Furthermore, the book's insights are not just about individual success but also touch upon fostering better relationships, improving communication, and achieving a balanced life.

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For any age

12 steps to Find-U: I really liked it. It is practical and easy to understand. I would like my ten age daughter to read it if she’s interested. For me much of this I have considered before and worked through as well. However, I still found the check ins and reminders beneficial. I think this is a very straight forward approach and guide to self reflection and checking in on your direction and purpose in life. I wish I could have read it when I started my journey!!!! (When I initially hit burn out!)

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A journey of self-awareness

12 steps to Find-U: This book is a wonderful way of gaining self-awareness as well as putting reflections into action! I really enjoyed how Laila walked us through her amazing journey and helped us put our own steps into practice, including easy exercises along the way. Very enjoyable, and so many takeaways! From goal setting to taking everything in with novelty! I don’t want to spoil it, so I highly recommend it to anyone in the process of self-growth. Thank you, Laila, for your vulnerability and inspiration! Claudia

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Not enough to read it once!

12 steps to Find-U: The book is like a valuable conversation with a good friend. Although it is not long and reads very easily, it takes a long time to read because every page is thought-provoking. The questions, exercises and examples from life make you look at yourself from all sides and get to know yourself better. After reading this book, I already feel uplifted, more motivated to take care of my physical and mental well-being.Thank you for the idea of the village! I think that everyone will find something new, some good advice. We change and our values and desires change. It is worth stop and think about ourselves. I will definitely read this book again. 

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A hands-on companion

Laila's "12 Steps to Find-U" is a real gem for anyone on a self-discovery journey. Her genuine storytelling and personal examples make the book feel like a heart-to-heart chat, rather than just a guide. With practical tips and exercises, it's not just inspirational but also a hands-on companion for those wanting to truly connect with themselves.

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Simple yet insightful

12 steps to Find-U: Laila's story is easy to read, very clear and well structured steps that anyone can take during the journey of self-discovery. Simple yet very insightful exercises are included in the book, I enjoyed "My perfect Wednesday" exercise the most.

The most powerful takeaway from the book was about the fact that your language of love not only applies to others, but also to yourself. Your language of love will indicate what actions are the best self-care for you. Everyone can definitely find some great advice or exercise in this book.

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Books that transformed me

I made a list of the top 20 books that have touched me very deeply and changed how I see myself and the world. They have given me so many ideas, tools, and different perspectives!

Get a copy and enjoy!

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Journaling for developing habits

Journaling is a simple and powerful tool to get in touch with yourself and reach clarity. It increases your ability to reflect and focus—these two are life-changing! The Find-U Journals help you transform your mindset so that you can not only be in touch with yourself but also create the life you want.

Each journal focuses on a main ability or aspect of your mindset because habits are better developed if you work on one at a time. The length of the journal is enough to allow you to develop and incorporate the new habit.

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