Sevis atrašanas process ir personisks, taču tam nav jābūt vientuļam! Tā kā man patīk rakstīt, es priecātos dalīties ar Tevi savās domās un pieredzē par to, kā atrast sevi un būt vienkārši Tu.
It is possible that many decisions you made in your life were based precisely on this - what was expected of you. Well, you don’t have to be those expectations, you have the right to be yourself.
You are there. You finally realized that “I am the love of, the love of my life”, as sings Jennifer Lopez. And you decided to get acquainted with this love.
How do you date yourself?
I want to invest in myself! I’m on it!
Well, you go, girl! Just don’t run over yourself on the way, ok?
And since this is a life-long journey, here are some tips for you to work on your personal growth sustainably.
Let’s take a moment to look into the mirror and ourselves and ask: Is this really me? Who am I? What led me to this and this and this decision? What have I gotten from it? What can I be grateful for?
Start your journey into self-awareness by scheduling a date with yourself and figure out how do you like to create this dialogue with nobody else than U!
It should be easy to know ourselves, but it is actually not that simple. Our own human nature, inputs we receive from outside, and internal barriers can stand in our way. But we still have the answers in ourselves and the possibility of finding out who we really are.